16 September 2013

The Liebster Award!

 It’s Monday Monday , Monday= Fun Day! {Sung to the tune of “Friday” by that one girl).

Put your evil Glares away, people! It’s a happy day! This was seriously one of the absolute best weekends ever. My Gram Gram is in town…so we painted it red. I’m so glad we get her for another few weeks. J Also…my very best friends in the entire universe got engaged. ENGAGED! B + T, I have never been happier for 2 people in my entire life. J
And finally…the COOLEST EVER HAPPENED! I was Nominated for the LIEBSTER AWARD! Hey-yooo! I can honestly say, it’s been the coolest thing to happen to me since I re-launched my site and started blogging again. Brittany from Whimsy Renee & Sarah from Church Street Designs were so sweet to nominate me, and teach me all about this awesome award!

What is it? Basically, Liebster is German for sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing & welcome. Um, HI nicest words ever! This award is passed from Blogger to Blogger as a “keep it going!”! It’s an award for new bloggers with under 200 subscribers that is meant to encourage you to keep at it…because you’re awesome!

I’m obsessed with it. J Totally made my day.

Along with the award, there are 11 questions that are asked, to help your readers get to know you better. So let’s get to it, shall we!?

1.    Why did you start blogging?

I started blogging because my family, fiancé and I were moving across the country to ARKANSAS from Cali, and I wanted to document the journey. Check out my very first post here .

2. What is your favorite book?

This is going to get embarrassing… I love a good series. Harry Potter, Twilight, 50 Shades of Grey…I so didn’t read that (I totally read it). I also recently read Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg…I major suggest it. If you wanna be a boss-lady in all aspects of your life…her book is totally the business. J

3. What movie makes you laugh out loud?

How can you pick just one?! Seriously…how!? Elf is one of my faves…because I’m obsessed with Christmas.  The Wedding Singer (come on. Why didn’t Drew and Adam get married in real life? My total FAVE on stage couple) & Step Brothers probably round out my top 5.

4. Who or what inspires you? This can be blog-related or not.

These questions are no joke! I am so inspired by other bloggers out there. My very first favorite blog was iHeart Organizing. (Obviously I am still obsessed) Jake and I are also so inspired by old homes. It’s our dream to buy a total fixer-upper and make it beautiful. We spend so many days driving through old neighborhoods dreaming about what that house would look like if it were ours.

5. Who would play you in a movie?

My top 3 favorite actresses are Julia Roberts, Sandra Bullock, & Jennifer Anniston. They’re all bomb shells!

6. How long have you been blogging?

My first post was in May of 2012, but I didn’t take it seriously. Work got busy, life got in the way. Even though I continued to read my favorite blogs, I didn’t post much. I re-launched only 3 weeks ago, and I’ve seen CRAZY growth since! It’s been the most rewarding thing ever, seriously.

7. What time of the day do you write?

I only write on weekends. I take week days to connect with other awesome bloggers (like all of you!) answer emails, hang out with my future hubyy wubby, and dream up ideas for new posts. Weekends are reserved for crafting/ DIYing, and post writing! I usually line up my 5 posts for the week and get them ready for posting on Sunday night.

8. What is the most annoying song in the universe?

Any techno-weird song. I do not like house music, except a little Lana Del Ray. But she barely counts. I hate that “if our loooooovvvee is something something something remedy”. Gross. & anything Rihanna. (Don’t hate me)

9. What part of your home is your favorite?

I’ve loved our home from the first day we walked in. Making it ours has been the best process. I’d have to say the kitchen is my favorite space because it is the most “complete”. It’s clean and bright, and that’s where the magic happens.

10. What is your favorite recipe?

I usually post my favorite recipes, but one I haven’t yet is Crockpot Teriyaki chicken. I would eat it every.single.day. Its #3 on Jakes list but #1 on mine and it is SO GOOD. This is the recipe I use…and I’m not kidding it’s DIVIIIIIINE!

11. What is your favorite season?

FALL! In case you didn’t already know I’ve got a thing for the "ER's" And seriously, there is nothing like a Southern Fall.

Do you feel like we’re besties now?! I sort of do.

The cool thing is now I get to pass this award on. The new bloggers that are totally a garden (get it…cause I dig them? No?..) are below. Go check these ladies out when you have a chance!

And my fellow Liebster nominee’s…please answer these questions in a post of you own! Don’t forget to Link back so we can create a fun community of new blog friends!

1)    What are you obsessin’ over right now in your home?

2)    What makes you say “seriously, get in my mouth”

3)    What kind of blog comments make your heart twerk with delight? (Yes I said twerk…for the 100th time)

4)    Shopping spree! Where are you going?

5)    Chevron obsessed? Or not digging the trend?

6)    If you could only use 3 colors (not including white/black/neutrals) in your home FOR THE REST OF its LIFE what 3 colors would you choose?

7)    How do you blog-plan? Are you a simple-sister who takes it day by day? Or an OCD Diva that plans in advance?

8)    What are your thoughts on the word, “Y’all”?

9)    Have you ever had a Pin-tastrophie? Tell me about it. (I could seriously run Pinfails by now)

10)  Are you obsessed with Katie Perrys new song “Roar” I GOT THE EYE OF THE TIGER! (I am…clearly)…if not, what music are you jammin’ to right now?

11) What gets you up in the morning? (That’s what it’s all about, right!?)

All you pretty nominees have to do now is make your own Liebster post in which you answer the above 11 questions, and pick some other awesome bloggers who deserve the award just as much. The rule is to pick bloggers who have under 200 subscribers, and that you love!

Thank you all endlessly for your sweet comments and support. This has been really, really fun for me…& I can’t wait to see what the future brings. J

Until Next Time,


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  1. Ok so right now I am sooooo excited that you nominated me!! Can't wait to answer the questions and do a blog post on it! Ok and I decided it is MUCH smarter to do your blog posts only on the weekend.....what a great way to save time later! I am going to start doing that!

  2. Nice to find out more about you. I only made it through the first 50 Shades book. I hated it. Have to try that chicken recipe though!


  3. Congratulations! That is awesome!

  4. Thanks so much for nominating me, lady!!!! I already created my own Liebster award post tonight, and you should totes check out my answers! :)



  5. AH! You are so awesome! Thank you for the nomination and I couldn't agree more with @The Ruffled Stitch -- I should write my blogs on the weekend. It is much easier than trying to find time on my lunch break or after work when I'm trying to snuggle.

    I also wanted to squeal over our mutual distaste for techno music, and I didn't know Lana Del Ray was considered techno. I like her.

    Thank you again!!!!!!!

  6. I am currently re-reading the Harry Potter series and I'm on The Goblet of Fire right now. They are my favorite books EVER and they just never get old to me!

  7. Hi Kylie, just responded on my blog comments but will do so here as well. Thanks so much for nominating me...you made my day!!!! Your so sweet :)I am going to set aside sometime this evening to work on the questions and find some blogs that I can nominate as well :)Looking forward to working on this. Congrats on your nomination, I love your blog. You are very talented and always have such nice posts and tutorials :) Your home is beautiful and I love your kitchen area as well. The honey sesame chicken looks yummy. I think I will have to try it.

  8. You are the sweetest! I just love that you are FULL of energy, I'm pretty sure we would be besties :)

    Hello Newlywed Life Blog

  9. Thank you so much for the nomination! You are so sweet! I am a little late on reposting, but I finally made my own Liebster Award post this morning. Check it out here: http://melaniegetsmarried.blogspot.com/2013/09/liebster-award.html

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