29 January 2014

DIY Salon Blowout at Home!

Hey, ya'll! Thank you so much for checkin' out my DIY Salon Blowout tutorial! If you like beauty tutorials, be sure to check out my YouTube Channel! Or just click the link above to check out my Beauty Page. I hope you enjoy! xo

Hello you lovely ladies! I hope your week is off to the most fabulous start! We're halfway done...we can make it to the weekend!


Today i'm going to get super weird with a ton of selfies to show you how I blowout my hair at home. There is seriously something about a salon blowout that makes you feel like a WHOLE NEW WOMAN! I don't know about you, but when my hair looks nice, I seriously feel so much better about the entire day. While I would absolutely LOVE to have someone wash my hair for me every day of the week and then style it to perfection, 1) aint nobody got time for 'dat and 2) unfortunately, i'm not married to Daddy Warbucks and at nearly 40-100 dollars a salon visit...aint nobody got the funds for 'dat also. So with a few of my favorite drug store products, I do it to myself at home! And with a little practice...you can too!

Lets start with your product lineup...

1) Split End protector (I use Alterna Kendi Oil Dry Mist)
2) Heat Protector (Tresemme-Drugstore)
3) Root Booster (John Frieda- Drugstore)
4) Mouse (Tresemme-Drugstore)
5) Hair Dryer (this should really have a blowdry attachment, however mine doesn't...do as I say not as I do ;)
6) Round Ceramic Brush (Conair-Drugstore)
7) Alligator Clips (Section & Set by Conair-Drugstore)
8) Flex-Hold Hairspray (Tresemme-Drugstore...I swear the fine folks at Tresemme do not sponsor any of my posts...I just LOVE their products so!)
9) If you want your style to last...dry shampoo! (Not your Mothers-Drug Store)

Alright, now that we have our products ready...are you strapped in to see more pictures of myself than you ever thought you would? Yes? Then lets get started!

Start with wet, clean, just out of the shower hair. The face is optional..

Step One: Prep!

Spray your ends with your dry oil mist, or any other split-end protector you're using. Then, spray your entire head with your heat protector, and brush any tangles out of your hair.

Step 2: Volume-ize!

First, apply your root booster all over your crown, and with your fingers, massage it into the hair cuticle, focuzing on bumpin' up that volume baby! Next, apply your mouse to your roots making sure you work it in really well. (PS...this is way more mouse than I needed. It came out really fast and I ended up only using half of whats in my hand!)

Step 3: Dry to 80 %

With my blowdryer, I just flip my hair upside down and blow it without a brush until its about 80 % dry. You can also just put it up and go do your makeup and let it airdry a bit. You just want most of the moisture to be out before you start the fun part!

Step 4: Section and Blowdry!

Next, I use my alligator clips and section my hair in half. I then take my bottom section, and cut that in half to start round brushing it out. If you're like me, you want the bottom section to be the longest part of your blowout, so make sure while you're round brushing, you're pulling your brush down, and twirling it at the end to give a slight curl. I usually have to do 2-3 brush pass- threw's for my hair to be set how i'd like it.

Step Five: Set your bottom section

To make sure my body & curl last, I wrap my hair away from my face  in my round brush, and blowdry for 10 seconds. Then I blast it will cool hair and let it sit for another 10 seconds. After I unwrap, it will look like this. (Pardon the awkward boob shot)

Step Six: Top Layer

The top layer is my favorite part! We added all that volume-izing product to our roots, so now we want to bump it up, am I right?! Make sure for all of your top sections that you're taking your round brush and pulling it up, as opposed to pulling it down how we did for the bottom section. This will amp up your volume, and ensure all the product we applied is put to good use!

Step Seven: Set those strands baby!

When my hair is dry and bouncy just the way I like it, I flip my hair over and apply some flex-hold hairspray. The entire point of a blowout is for your hair to look touchable and lovely, so don't over do it with this part! You want just enough product for your hair to set.

I usually spray a little kendi-oil on my palms and use that to sort of finger-comb through my strands. It just polishes the look off and gets rid of any frizz.

(Mid yelling at Jake for being the worlds worst assistant photographer..at least he's cute) This is what you will end up with! Straight, shiney hair that curls towards the end. I LOVE a good blowout!

I mentioned in this post that the key to keeping my long hair healthy is only washing it once every 2 or 3 (more likely 3) days. To help my blowout last longer, if my hair is looking a little flat on day 2 or 3, I simply spritz some dry shampoo into my roots, let it sit 5-10 minutes, and brush it out! This ensures those 20 minutes I spent doing my hair last me days. (what can I say...I'm lazy when it comes to this beauty business!)

And because I feel like I haven't posted enough awkward selfies ...here are 3 more

things just got weird. :)

I'm all about getting that high-end look for less, and with these steps you can save yourself tons of $$$ by just doing it yourself!

Until Next Time,

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  1. Your hair is GORGEOUS! Like mermaid hair! :)

  2. You are absolutely gorgeous. I want your hair! Great project and thanks for participating in the challenge!

  3. So pretty!! I will have to try this once my hair grows out again. : ) I have super thick hair though so it is hard to get volume at the top without the weight of my long hair pulling it down. Is your's thick?

    1. You're so sweet, Elizabeth!! My hair is SO THICK!!!! Oh my gosh sometimes I see how much of it sheds all over the place and I wonder how i'm not bald! I have my hairstylist cut long layers which helps to thin it out a bit, but if you're using those products in your roots, you shouldn't have too much trouble bumpin' up the volume!!

      xoxo, K

  4. My mind is blown. I'm like the worst when it comes to hair, i have zero product and only have hand me down blow dryer and straightener from my sister. But you look so good girl that maybe I will have to try this one day :)

    1. hi what color do you wear on your hair thank you

  5. hi what color do you wear

    1. Hi there! I dye my own hair. It's Medium Brown by Garnier Olia.

      xo Kylie

    2. Wow, Medium Brown? It looks more like a light brown or even dark blonde. Does it come out this color right after coloring it or does it fade to this? It's gorgeous! ;)

  6. Gorgeous selfies!!! Love that you did something a little different for the challenge!

  7. Kylie! I stumbled across this post and I must say, you are hilarious! Loved this post, but I'm so bad about hair because my hair is so thick, I just put it in a bun and go, ha! XO

    1. Huong, thank you so much!!! You made my day. Don't you worry my hair spends TONS of time in a bun ;) thank you for stopping by!! I'm so happy you're here.

      Xoxo, K

  8. Looks SO amazing! Now I know why my ten minute blowdry any random direction never looks this beautiful ;)

  9. You look ADORABLE & your hair looks amazing!
    (btwz: I LOL'd hard at the awkward boob shot #beenthere #bustygalproblems)

    Pinning this to share with my followers!

  10. Your hair looks beautiful!! I also just want you to know that I think you look like Shailene Woodley! :)

    1. You're so sweet! I have to say, I didn't know who that was, and I googled and HOLY COW! What a compliment!!


    2. That's exactly what I thought! The resemblance is unbelievable. You'e very pretty

    3. You just melt my heart. Thank you, friend, for making my day!

  11. Great post!
    Whenever I try that trick with the round brush, it ends up getting tangled in my hair. What's your method?

  12. What are the products that you use and what kind of brush?

  13. I wish I had gorgeous, thick hair like yours! My hair is terribly flat and lifeless right now...
    ♥ this look, soo prettyyyy :)

    1. You're so stinking sweet, Nichole! Thank you so much! I bet your hair is gorgeous, stop it! I bet you could do this tutorial in half the time and it would look JUST as great, probably better!


  14. I actually like your hair in the before pictures! I love the waves. Do you ever style it with natural waves?

    1. Hey there!

      Thank you so much! I do style it with natural waves now and then, it's so easy and quick! In fact, a blog post on that is definitely due :)


  15. Hi, how long does it take you to do your hair beginning to end? Just curious... :)

    1. Hi, Patty!

      When blowing it out like this it usually takes 20-30 minutes from sopping wet, to styled in the after picture. This isn't one of my "quickie" hairstyles, but the good news is, with a spritz of dry shampoo, it will last 3 days easy!


  16. Oh wow your hair looks amazing! How did you get it to grow so long and be so shiny??

    Beautiful, I love your blog!

    1. Hello there!

      Thank you SO much for your sweet compliment! I'm so happy to have you here and that you enjoy reading.

      I really don't do anything too special with my hair, I use drugstore shampoo and conditioner, but I only wash it 2 times (maybe 3 times if it gets too dirty) and I take my vitamins and eat well! That's it!


  17. Your hair is gorgeous! And you are very pretty!
    I'm so jealous, I just shopped at least 10 inches off because it was so damaged.

    Alina à la Mode Blog

    1. You're so sweet, Alina!

      Thank you so,so much! I have to say, I get itches to chop my hair short all of the time. I bet yours looks so cute!


  18. Kylie-Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for sharing this!! I just tried it with the products I already had and it worked fabulously!! I don't have the gorgeous hair you do, but it definitely improved mine! One question though; how do you sleep on it? My hair is naturally curly so I put it in a loose ponytail and it had a huge kink in it. Any tips?? Thank you again! You're a lifesaver...

    1. Oh girl! That makes me so happy! I'm so glad it worked out for you. It's so pretty and glamorous, and who doesn't like to feel like they just stepped out of the salon!

      Thank you so much for your sweet compliment! I promise..."gorgeous" has never been used to describe my bedhead ;)

      I usually just sleep with it down in a very, very, very loose braid. I'm talking the loosest braid you've ever done. Then at the bottom i'll lightly tie an elastic. In the morning, I might have to take my round brush to the ends really quickly if there is a kink, but usually, it works like a charm!

      Happy hairstyling!


    2. Trust me, that's the best "bedhead" I've seen ;) Perfect! I can't wait to try it again! Sorry, one other question-do you have any tips on growing out hair? I chopped mine off (14 inches) over a year ago, but would love to grow it out faster while keeping it healthy. Thanks again, you're fabulous!

      Love from Alaska

    3. PS-I'm now OBSESSED with your blog :) Keep it up!

    4. Oh thank you so much, Nikki! You are too sweet! I'm so excited to have a new friend from Alaska :)

      I get this question often, and I have to tell you I don't really do anything that special! I only wash my hair 2 (maaaaybe) 3 times a week, and try to always protect it with an oil and heat spray before using heat products. Other than that it's a mix of taking my vitamins, eating semi-healthy, and genetics!


  19. great job! your hair looks way better then mine after i blow dry it. your hair is so shiny and pretty this is a great post! :) I <3 it.

    1. Thank you so, so much, friend! I bet yours is just as gorgeous :)


  20. Great post! your hair is so shiny and pretty :) it looks great!

    1. Thank you, MaryK! Such a sweet compliment. Happy September!


  21. I LOVE this look! Is there any chance of a video tutorial on this? I have hair slightly longer than yours and i would love to be able to do this look but I'm one of those people that learn by watching!

    1. Hey gorgeous! Thank you so much! I've been meaning to film a tutorial on it FOREVER! I just might have to very soon for you :) Thanks for coming by, means a ton!

  22. Hi, Kylie. Your hair looks amazing! A good blow out do wonders and that's something I'm yet to learn. (And I'm kind of a hair savy...)

    Please help me with a bit more direction. I followed your instructions but I ended up with poofy straw like hair, just like I always do when I try it myself. Coming from the salon my hair looks like I was born that way but I cannot replicate the look.

    I have very long straightish hair (straight roots, undefined waves at the bottom) and it looked ok up to my shoulders but the ends of it, all the way to my hip, looked really weird. It was like every strand for itself, no hair locks, it wouldn't sit together. It took me almost an hour and I couldn't even wear it down, let alone have amazing hair for three days!

    Do you have any idea what am I doing wrong? My hair is thin, "floaty" and I have layers. It is naturally very shiny but after the blow out it looked dull. Plus, my roots looked more polished before the blow out than after. Any pointers are highly appreciated.

    Thank you! ;3

  23. Hi, Luiza! You're so sweet. I'm so glad you liked the tutorial..a few tips I might have are to use a good serum or shine spray to help keep your ends together. I really like the antioxidant serum by Modere, or the anti-aging serum by Nuance.

    My other tip would be to be as gentle as possible when wrapping it around the brush. If I wrap too tightly it will get caught in the brush and then it's just a tangled, hot mess! If you try it again next time, try to be a little more gentle when using the round brush.

    I'm so sorry it didn't work out for you the first time! I'm hoping the second time around is a little easier.

  24. HEY! Just wondering if you think this will still work with supppper curly hair. I try to do the spiky brush and blowdry thing but i just get frizz and weird ackward curls XD, Also I don`t usually have all that root and shine products. However i do have hairspray and mouse.....

    Also your sweet and beautiful! Awesome directions!

    1. Hey, girl! Oh how I wish I could comment on that, but my hair isn't very curly so I don't have any experience with it. :( It might help if you took a flat iron to your hair first, and then tried to add volume with a round brush and the blowdryer.

      I so appreciate your sweet words! Hope you're having a great week.

    2. Oh that sounds brilliant! Ill try that!

  25. u r so pretty =) omg

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  27. That is the sweetest thing you could ever say! Thank you so much, gal.

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