25 August 2013


I am downright out-of-my-mind excited to share with you today. I’m talking Christmas morning/Going to Disneyland/21st birthday/haven’t slept in weeks excitement. Notice anything different around here?! HOW AWESOME DOES THIS PLACE LOOK?! Absolutely Arkansas went under the knife! And let me just say…a facelift looks good on her.
What's New?!
Let me share some of my favorite features that are new around here.
1) The obvious...it looks awesome! The header, the side buttons, the organization. Swooning all over the place.
2) Hover over a photo...I dare you. THAT'S RIGHT! You now have the ability to Pin photo's to your favorite Pin boards right from my blog. Neat-o, right?! If you're on your iPad or iPhone, just switch from mobile view, and you can click the photo to Pin. Yahoo!
3) INSTA-GRAM. I had to add the dash so you knew I was making that 2 words not 1. Notice the little feed to your right? YEAUHH! All insta's upload right to the blog. SO COOL!
3) Connect. It is so darn easy to connect now. Simply click one of the 3 buttons at the top right of the page to follow Absolutely Arkansas on Pinterest, Instagram, or Facebook!
4) Everything is organized to the max now. It will be so easy for you to click on "Projects" and find categories to help you decide on what to view. The same goes for Recipes! woot-woot!
5) Joining as never been easier. Simply "Join this site" via google, or subscribe by email. Either way, you won't miss an Absolutely Arkansas Beat!
 What does this mean for my sporadic blogging? Well, let me back up. What’s the happiest time in your day? I have several. When I can come home and see Jake and make dinner, that’s one of the happiest. Right before I fall asleep, and I’m In the state of “drifting” that’s another happiest. But what I enjoy, so, so much is sitting down, and reading my favorite blogs, learning from the amazing bloggers who came long before me who are so innovative and smart and crafty. Everything I hope this blog can be. I love to spend the weekends with Jake working through each room in our first home. I love to catalogue my projects on instagram and help another project bite the dust. This blog makes me so over-the-moon happy, so I’m going for it.
I don’t know how successful it will be working full time, fitting in projects, and blogging full time, but I am determined to find out, because if I can be a part of just one readers “happiest”, it has definitely been WELL worth it.
I really hope that you’ll join me in this adventure. I will try to keep it fun, interesting, and not half as serious as this post is. :)

Stay tuned for a week full of projects.

I will see you tomorrow!

Until Next Time,


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