02 December 2015

Thanksgiving & Life Update

Happy December, ya'll!

Where in the heck did November go? I feel like the last month has been one big blur of diaper changes, baby snuggles, and lack of zz's.

Each week, I have so many blog posts that I am ready and excited to get up, but life with a newborn gives me exactly 0 hours to do anything. When daddy comes home at the end of the day, its all I can do to feed myself and squeeze in a quick shower. I'm so hopeful once we accomplish getting him on a little more of a schedule I can finally be a good blogger again!

This week we're REALLY working on trying to get our little man on a schedule. We're following a not-so-strict baby wise routine, of feed-wake-sleep, and he laughs in the face of naps in his crib. He does not sleep unless he is being held, which makes getting anything done really difficult. Any of you mamas out there have advice?! I figure if we get him on some sort of schedule, we can conquer the sleep attachment later. I mean, he is only going to cuddle me for so many days.

Dinner time is always a mad-dash lately. I eat as fast as I can while Jake holds the baby, and then we switch. As I was hovering over my rotisserie chicken last night, I said to Jake, "one day we'll be
laying in bed saying, 'remember when he would only sleep when we held him? and we'll miss it, because he'll be a big boy who won't want mom and dad snuggles anymore.'" When I think i'm at my wits end, I remember this and decide to hang out on the couch feeling his little heartbeat next to mine.

Over Thanksgiving, we were so blessed to have Jake's family out here to celebrate! It was their first time out to Arkansas, and of course, they soaked up all the baby lovins. We had the most awful 30 degree rain, so we spent a lot of time indoors, eating out, and playing heads-up and cards against humanity. Oh, and mama had a few cocktails, which was way more fun than I remember it being 11 months ago ;) It was the BEST week that went way too fast, and baby Sawyer already misses his Rose family. (and so does mama...I didn't change a diaper all week!)

This December is something else! Even though baby basically couldn't care less, the holidays are made so much more special when you have a little one! I'll be back Friday (I promise this time!) with all of Sawyers precious newborn photos. I just melt looking at him!

Thanks so much for checking in :)

Until Next Time,


  1. Awww! He's looking so much bigger already!

    xo, mikéla / simplydavelyn.com

    1. Isn't it crazy?! I feel like I can literally see him grow by the second. It goes too fast!

  2. Ok we had a baby just like yours...in fact both of our boys were like that. We got both of them to sleep in baby swings. Just stock up on batteries, turn that puppy on and instant relief from your baby no-sleeping blues! Our oldest (now 11) slept in his swing the first 6 months until he just couldn't fit in it anymore. Best baby swing is the Fisher-Price Cradle 'n Swing - My Little Lamb.

    1. We also swaddled the heck out of them. They loved being wrapped up like burritos!

    2. Thank you for the advice! We'll have to try a swing. We've tried a rock & play, but so far no luck!

  3. He is so darn precious! It seems like only yesterday my son was this teeny! We stuck to a very firm routine of sleeping and waking from about 8 weeks on. I think that the period up until then was really tricky, but we did find this thing called the Ollie Wrap online (you can Google it) that swaddles them little a real little burrito. Spencer was a little houdini and got out of everything else, but this really kept him super super comfy.

    When he started finally napping in his crib around 2 months, we made sure he was tightly swaddled, and we gave him his binky - which we swore we wouldn't do. It really helped us though, and we weaned him from it within 3 days at 8 months :)

    1. We cannot live without our binky! He will only take his wubanub, but its life or death without it ;) We're working on his sleep schedule now, but i'm not too strict about it! He is still figuring life out outside my belly! I know these days will go by quick so I am soaking them up while I still have them!

  4. You are not alone with the sleeping. Our baby was the same way, and it was crazy bc our daughter was a great sleeper. I hear boys are more clingy and I definitely agree. What worked for us, both times really, is to let the baby make their own schedule. It's less frustrating to do it this way, bc they set the times up. Never, never wake a sleeping baby. It makes errands hard, but you'll find a groove. I would nurse/feed Ava and then get out and run errands until noon. She got used to the car, sounds, etc at a very early age. I've been doing that with Beau, getting errands done after we drop Ava off at school. Nurse in the car if needed, but you will have your sanity. Even if you have to leave right after walking in, at least you get out. Hope y'all find your grove mama. He's precious!

    1. I've heard exactly the same! These boys are just attached to their mamas :) As much as i'm trying to get his sleep under control, i'm really letting him run the show because really, there is no putting a 5 week old on a schedule! One day we'll get into a rhythm! Thanks so much for the advice, mama!

  5. I have actually read a lot of your blog posts in the last hour. I really enjoy what you are doing here. (And as a writer of fantasy novels, I'm enjoying looking at different aspects of that when you go through them in blog post). And truly, I love world-culture building.

  6. this is one of the great life update. I've inspired by your post. this is cool and really informative.
