13 July 2015

Chunky Dutch Braid Tutorial

Hey, good lookin!

I hope you all had the most amazing 4th of July holiday, and enjoyed some fun in the sun. Last week we took a vacation week from work (and blog!) and didn't go anywere! I think it may have actually been the most relaxing vacation i've ever had. We celebrated Jake's birthday, had family and friends visit, slept in, and binged on Property Brothers (is anyone as obsessed with the Scott boys as I am?)

We spent hours upon hours in the lake, which meant my hair was in a braid for the entire 10 days we had off work. Since a few of you have asked on instagram @absolutelyarkansas how I braid my hair, if I wear extensions, how to make it stick, etc, I filmed a quick little video to show you how I do it from bun to braid! There are literally 100's of tutorials just like this one, so I certainly can't claim it's original, but it is the cutest and simplest way to style your hair when the temperatures rise!

I know i've been a little sporadic here and there on the blog, but this vacation was just what we needed to get a ton of blog-business taken care of, and i'm finally feeling all caught up, and ready for a week of posts! More on Wednesday ;)

Thanks for stopping by!

Until Next Time,
xo Kylie


  1. That braid it's just gorgeous !


  2. That braid is beautiful!! I can never get mine to look quite that full and gorgeous haha;) Love it! And yes, the Scott Brothers are awesome!
    Grace Anne

    1. I'm so glad you're as obsessed with the Scott boys as I am! ;)

  3. Dutch braids are just so cute! I have never done one on myself (shocker, I know!), but I do want to start wearing them. I need to do this before going to the river this summer - would be perfect!

    Thanks for the tutorial!

    xo, mikéla / simplydavelyn.com

    1. You can totally do it, girl! They'd be beautiful on you in that floral maxi on your blog :)

  4. I'm glad y'all had a nice, relaxing vacation! Sometimes staycations are the best way to recharge. As much as I love taking crazy, fun vacations, they normally leave more more tired than ever when I return.

    Your braid is seriously perfect! It looks so easy in the tutorial, but I know it would never look that way on me haha.

    1. I bet you could do it! It would be gorgeous on you! Our vacation was seriously the best, i'm so glad we took the time to go away!

  5. LOVING this! One of my favorite ways to wear my hair!

    1. Thank you, Darcy! Isn't it the best?! It's so simple too!

  6. Oh my gosh, I would LOVE to try that braid, but I honestly don't think I'm that hair-coordinated! Also, I love how every girl ever takes her bun out like that hahaha.


    1. It's so simple! Once you get the hang of it, it's like riding a bike :) Oh yes, the bun struggle is real ;)

  7. love it beautiful!! i l like a lot braid style :)


  8. I love this hair style!
    Amazing one :)

    You are welcome at www.izabielaa.blogspot.com

    Have a wonderful Day!

  9. Кажется что у него запах очень приятный :)

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