15 August 2014

Get Ready with me! Weekend Style :)

Happy Friday, friends!

I hope you have the most amazing weekend planned! We're going to paint our bedroom (FINALLY) and I can't wait! I promise to have lots of insta updates along the weekend so make sure you follow along @absolutelyarkansas .

This is totally my go-to look for weekends! Less than 20 minutes to up and moving!  What is your go to outfit on the weekend? What about hairstyle? I like to keep it EASY! Enjoy!

Happy Friday!

Until Next Time,
xo Kylie

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  1. You are so cute! (:

    Brittani <3

  2. How cute are you?! I just love watching your makeup videos!! I've been dying to try some of the Whitening Lightning lip products. Do you love the formula? I was afraid it would be too sticky! I also LOVED your fun tee, I will be hunting it down!!

    Xo, Kayla

  3. Hey Kylie!!
    I love that shirt you're wearing! I have been looking all over the interwebs for it and I cannot find it for the life of me! where did you get it??

    1. Thanks so much, RoyAna! It's from Forever 21, but i'm afraid I picked it up several years ago so its not still available :(

    2. Awwww sad face! We'll it's super cute still!

  4. We've decided it's time for a change, so we're going to paint our bedroom this weekend. We aim to create a comfortable, inviting environment perfect for relaxing after watching a thrilling match. Speaking of which, the How Good and Entertaining is the A-League? with its non-stop action and dynamic dramas. It's like bringing the excitement of the game into our personal space!
