31 December 2013

The Best Day: Our Proposal

Our Proposal:

First of all, let me start by saying I had every intention of having this post up on Christmas Day. Well, here we are on New Years day and its happening. I hope you enjoy.

December 25th, 2012. Let’s talk about that day for a little, shall we? (I seriously can’t believe it’s been a YEAR! Where does the time go?) I thought it would be fun for those of you who don’t know the story, to tell you how my Jacob popped the question, and for those of you who DO know the story…hear his side too ;)

And so it begins…


Christmas eve I could BARELY sleep. I knew it had to come sometime soon. I’d been hinting for months (okay maybe all year) that IT WAS TIME! Do you like it? Okay…put a ring on it. Every major holiday, or any time Jake bent down to tie his shoe, I was ready with my “I DO!” face. Yet, every Holiday, and every shoe-tie passed without “the big question”. I could barely sleep Christmas Eve because I SO HOPED that tomorrow would be the big day.


Christmas Eve:
I was really nervous. Practicing my speech over and over again making sure that I wasn't gonna sound like a complete idiot. I was playing the moment over in my head and thought I had it all figured out


When Christmas morning came, and we had gone through all the presents, I couldn’t help the wave of disappointment that hit me before breakfast. I received TONS from Jake…not a good sign that I had a particularly expensive one somewhere under the tree! We cleaned up and started breakfast and I had to repeat in my head “it’s okay…maybe New Year’s…it’s okay, MAYBE NEW YEARS!” over and over in my head. ;)


I actually wasn't too nervous come Christmas morning. I kept telling myself, "it's in like 5 hours so no point in worrying about it." Little did I know that those 5 hours felt like 30 minutes and I felt the pressure and nervousness begin to build. A little after breakfast I got with Kylie's sister, Kassidy and told her that when I give her the sign (a head nod) she was to go to her room and call my phone. At this point I changed Kassidy's name in my phone to "Sheriff’s Office" so when she called, Kylie would be completely off guard. All I needed to do was wait for the perfect moment.


The day came and went, and before you knew it, it was afternoon. My dad had been setting up camera equipment on the deck all morning, but I just figured that he was setting it up for our annual Family Christmas photo. I literally had NO idea what would be happening in just a few short hours. In fact, I started to get a little antsy and bored so I may have suggested “I’m bored as heck! Can we at least go on a walk or something!”…that’s when Jake knew…it was time!


So it was getting later in the afternoon and I could tell Kylie was getting bored. We were sitting on the couch watching tv when Kylie, so lady like, "IM SO BORED! Can we go do something?" At this point I knew it was time! So I looked at Kassidy and gave her the nod. She walked off and 10 seconds later my phone rang. Kylie looked down and saw the name on my phone. She gave me the most surprised and disappointed look I have ever seen. I picked it up and walked off into the other room. I kept it short but said enough to sound really serious, I think it went land these line "Hey Sarg... What happened... Oh my gosh, I'm not my way." I turned to Kylie and said there's been a riot and I have to go. I could tell she was really upset but knew it was part of the job. I ran down stairs and got in full uniform and shaved. I kissed her good bye and ran out of the house.


Only about 5 minutes later, Jake gets a call from “Benton County Sheriff’s Office” (I saw it on his phone! It actually said BCSO!) saying that there was a riot and all on-call deputies were called in immediately.  I was a GRUMP! I was used to it as my Dad was a cop growing up and had to miss more than his fair share of Christmases, but come on! Really?! Trying not to be a giant brat, I gave him a kiss and sent him off (in full uniform…boots, badge, and everything! He even shaved his face!) I was extremely grumpy, but I tried to be nice. I even posted this on facebook:


A half hour passed, and I seriously had no reason to believe he hadn’t really gone into work. The only thing that seemed a little fishy was that I went to go take a nap and my sister and mother said “NO!” and were being a little too nice to me about Jake having to work. Usually my little sister would tell me to suck it up and move on…hmmmmmmm…I still didn’t think anything of it! I just made myself another plate of food and continued watching “A Christmas Story”.


As I walked to my truck it felt like my heart was gonna beat out of my chest. I have never been so nervous in my life. I had already placed the clothes I was gonna wear in the truck the night before. I then drop down the hill to a empty parking lot and changed in to my suit and tie. After changing I sat in my truck for a few minutes just thinking it over one more time. I noticed walgreens was open so I went in to see if there was any last cute gifts that would be the icing on the cake. So I decided to buy an oversized teddy bear that later turned out to be the gift the Kylie would care about the least. I then headed back to the house. I parked pretty far down the street so that her dog wouldn't hear my truck and start barking. I got out of my truck and started walking towards the house and called Kylie. I said "Hey babe I have a piece of paper with a name on it, go down stairs and find it please." As she went down stairs I made my way into the house and to the porch. She said she couldn't find it and I told her it was in my gym bag and then... click. I hung up and waited.


My phone rang almost an hour after Jake had left, and it was him IN A PANIC on the phone saying he had left inmate paperwork on the bar in our downstairs apartment and he needed me to bring it to him ASAP. I ran downstairs and started rummaging through everything and couldn’t find this so-called paperwork anywhere. Worried I had thrown it away, I started DIGGING THROUGH OUR TRASH! (So glamorous)  when he called me back and told me he thought he had left it in his gym bag. When I went into his gym bag I found something that would totally change my life forever. J


While I was on the porch it was approximately 18 degrees to I was hoping she hurried up. Kylie's dad was standing there with his camera and we stood and waited. After a few minutes she appeared in the stair well in absolute tears. I knew she knew what was going on and I knew she was so happy. She came out and jumped into my arms and continued to sob before I even said anything. I told her to relax and that I love her so much. I went down on one knee and everything I practiced for weeks went completely out the window. I said something along the lines of, "I can't not live without you... (Which technically meant I could live without her, real smooth). I then cut to the chase and said, "Will you marry me?" Then the tears really started...


Inside the gym bag was the following note:

(I keep it in a shadow box because it means that much to me)

And from the minute I saw it I knew what was happening. I could.not.stop.shaking. He found a way to shock the socks off of me (literally...it was NINE degrees that day and I wasn’t wearing shoes outside…burr) I came up the stairs, just as my note instructed, and there was my guy in the gazebo…about to make all my dreams come true (aaahh cheeseball!)

The rest is documented on this video:


It was seriously the best day of my life. I cried and cried and everytime I said “we’re engaged!” I cried some more. I can’t believe the best day of my life was a year ago, and in 5 short months, I will have a new best day when we say “i-do!”


It was by far the best day of my life. Not only did I give my Kylie the best Christmas give ever, I asked my best friend to spend the rest of her life with me. Everything worked out the exact way I wanted it and to be honest, every time I watch our video it gets me a little choked up. Now it's wedding time ... 

If you made it to the end of this long sappy post, you receive 1000 Kylie points. I hope you enjoyed our proposal, and I really hope that you and your family have the absolutely best 2014. This is the year. I hope I look back and say "that was it...yep...2014...one of the top best years of my life. Amen!


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  1. So sweet! I'm such a sucker for stories like this!!!

  2. Thanks for sharing one of your amazing romantic stories. God bless

  3. I loved reading your story from both points of view, but the icing on the cake was the video! So incredibly adorable! Your reaction was great, and I can tell you guys are crazy about each other!! Happy New Year!

  4. I loved reading this and I totally remember you making that FB post last year!

  5. So sweet!!! Crazy how fast time flies, isn't it?!!

  6. I loved reading your engagement story. So sweet!!!

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