19 September 2012

What I wore Wednesday:

  Todays outfit is another simple little thing that can go from one occasion to another in a snap. I had to work this last Sunday, and therefor had to go to work directly from church. In which case, I needed an outfit that was professional, but still church-cute-appropriate-Sunday besty. You know? It all started with these babies :

 The best 20 dollar pair of shoes I have ever purchased. Remember...from here. Aren't they ADORABLE? I think so. You can buy them at {pink basis}. They also have this awesome little piece of elastic on the heel to keep it from rubbing and giving you blisters. That is a WIN for woman kind!!

Here is my Sunday Best/work outfit:

I die over these little bows!!

I got it at:
Tee: VS pink (of course)
Cardi: Wet seal (on sale for 4 dollars)
Belt: Bodyc.com (5.99)
Skirt: Hand-me-down so I have no idea. (What you can't tell is, its 2 sizes too big so I have it safety pinned to stay up!

  Remember how I said in last weeks "what I wore Wednesday" that I was making an effort to wear more jewelry? Well I failed I didn't even make it two WIWW's. How pathetic! Do belts sort-of count as jewelry? They are accessories, I feel it should count for something!!

  Also, do you remember how AMPED I was on life yesterday? Well, today was one of those rainy days where you sit in your car and cry for a little. No reason in particular, just a bunch piling up. So pray for me! I need it! I am homesick and needing a little of Gods guidance right now, so your prayers are appreciated!

Also! Pray for my Great-grandma. She is 90 years old (and the fiestiest ol' thing you ever did see) but she had an accident in which she fractured her vertebrae, and is currently having a brain bleed. At her age, she may not recover from this, so say your prayers people! I do appreciate it.

 Stay tuned for some yummies tomorrow.

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